All LLCs offer limited liability protection, management flexibility, and tax options. However, different types of LLCs will vary depending on industry and purpose. Below, we provide an overview of different
Some of our banking partners have a list of prohibited or restricted activities, you can see them outlined here. For further information, you can always consult their websites. Brex Regulated
Starting a business isn't nearly as complicated as most online guides make you think. Most websites talking about “how to start a business” just regurgitate old ideas.
Our guides for small business ideas are designed to help you with the obstacles you might encounter at every stage of your business.
Q: Is an ITIN the same as an EIN? Thank to one of our customers for the great question! The topic of ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers) comes up often
SSN stands for social security number. Having a government ID number, like an SSN, is important for maintaining a business in the US. Here’s what to know: What is an
When You Want More A Federal Employer Identification Number, or EIN, is a unique 9-digit number obtained from the IRS, and most businesses need one. When you hire FlutuxBusiness, you can
When You Want More An employer identification number (EIN) is like a social security number for your business. You can apply for an EIN by filing an Application For Employer Identification
Membership certificates are documents LLCs use to note individual members’ ownership in the company (much like how a corporation issues stock certificates to shareholders). We offer a free template for
An LLC resolution to open a business bank account is a document that clearly shows the bank who has the authority to start an account on behalf of a limited