
When You Want More

A Federal Employer Identification Number, or EIN, is a unique 9-digit number obtained from the IRS, and most businesses need one. When you hire FlutuxBusiness, you can leave the paperwork for your EIN filing to us, and we’ll get your order processed in a matter of days. We can get an EIN for your business on its own, if that’s all you need, or we can bundle our EIN service with our incorporation service if you need to first form your LLC, corporation, or nonprofit.

What Is An EIN?

An EIN (also called a Federal Employment Identification Number or FEIN) is a unique nine-digit tax ID number that the IRS assigns to businesses. Similar to a person’s social security number, an EIN is used by businesses to open bank accounts, apply for loans and licenses, fulfill tax obligations, and to help protect the identity of the business owner.

$50 EIN Service

Have a social security number (SSN)? Great! Let us deal with the IRS and get your EIN fast.

  • No hassles
  • Stress free
  • Filed in 2 days
  • EIN received in 4 days

$200 EIN Service

Not a US citizen or don’t have a social security number (SSN)? No problem.

  • We follow up with the IRS
  • No hidden fees
  • Filed in 2 days
  • EIN received in 30 days

EIN & Incorporation

Get incorporation, registered agent service, business forms and your EIN.

$599 + State Fees

Rated 4.7 / 5 stars by 607 clients on Google

Do I Need An EIN?

Most businesses will need an EIN to pay federal taxes or if they intend to hire employees. Additionally, many banks require an EIN to open a business bank account.

If you aren’t sure if your business needs an EIN, just ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my business a partnership or corporation?
  • Do I have employees?
  • Is my business involved with mortgage investments?
  • Do I withhold taxes on any income other than wages paid to a nonresident alien?
  • Is my business involved with nonprofit organizations?
  • Does my business handle estates, trusts or IRAs?
  • Do I file a return for employment, tobacco, alcohol, firearms or excise taxes?
  • Does my business have a Keogh plan (a retirement plan for self-employed individuals or those who work for unincorporated businesses)?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, your business probably needs an EIN.

Need more information about EINs? Check out our page on How to Get an EIN for your business.

EIN Benefits

Even if you aren’t legally required to have an EIN, it often makes sense to get one. Here’s why:

  • Simplifies Tax Filings
    Having an EIN will streamline the process of filing federal and state taxes, helping your business avoid late fees and penalties.
  • Strengthens Liability Protection
    An EIN shows that you and your business are separate entities, which can strengthen your claim to liability protection in the event that your business is sued or goes bankrupt.
  • Helps Protect Your Identity
    Using an EIN for business purposes helps to shield your SSN from being passed around, which reduces the risk of identity theft.
  • Can Make You Seem More Credible
    Using an EIN for business transactions instead of your SSN can make your business seem more legitimate.
  • Usually Needed to Open a Business Bank Account
    Most banks will require your business to have an EIN to open a business bank account.

How Our EIN Service Works

Dealing with the IRS isn’t easy. At FlutuxBusiness, we’re happy to do it for you. No hassles. No upsells. Just great service.

When you hire us to get an EIN for your business, our professional staff will gather your information and submit it to the IRS for you. If there are any problems with the filing, we’ll work with the IRS to resolve them as fast and efficiently as possible.

How much does FlutuxBusiness’s EIN service cost?

The price of our EIN service varies depending on whether your business’s responsible party has an SSN or not.

  • If you have an SSN: $50
    In this case, it’s a piece of cake for you. We charge $50 to get you an EIN from the IRS. We’ll prepare and file your paperwork online with the IRS and get your business its EIN in just a few days.  Because the IRS makes it easier and faster to get an EIN when the business’s responsible party has an SSN, we can keep your costs lower. Just $50.
  • If you don’t have an SSN: $200
    Here, it’s a bit more complicated. When a business’s responsible party doesn’t have an SSN, we can’t file your EIN application online, and the application is a lot more complex. We still file it fast (in around 2 days), but it takes about 30 days for the IRS to do its part. That’s why our EIN service for applicants without an SSN costs $200 instead.

Who is my business’s responsible party?

Your business’s responsible party is an individual who directs, manages and/or controls your business, and the IRS requires the name and social security number (SSN) of this responsible party of the individual has an SSN. For for-profit and nonprofit corporations, the responsible party will likely be a principal officer. For limited liability companies (LLCs), the responsible party is typically a member with authority over the LLC’s finances and assets.

Learn more about who to name as your responsible party.

What if I haven’t formed my business yet?

You’ve come to the right place. At FlutuxBusiness we specialize in forming businesses, so it’s no trouble for us to help you get your business started at the same time that you hire us to file your EIN application with the IRS. Simply hire us to start your corporation or form your LLC in your state, and you can tack on our EIN service as an optional item at checkout.

It’s still just $50 to get an EIN if you have a social security number ($200 if you don’t). Nothing changes, except now you’ve made your business official at the state level and received the EIN your business needs.

Employer Identification Number FAQs

Can FlutuxBusines get me an EIN before I form my business?

FlutuxBusiness can’t get you an EIN before you form your business, but we can get you an EIN when you hire us to form your business.

How much does FlutuxBusiness’s EIN service cost?

If your business’s responsible party has a social security number (SSN), FlutuxBusiness can get you an EIN for just $50. If your business’s responsible party doesn’t have an SSN, we charge $200.

Can I get an EIN if I’m a not a US citizen?

At FlutuxBusiness, we get non-citizens EINs everyday. Our EIN service for non-citizens or anyone without a social security number costs $200.

Does an EIN expire or need to be renewed?

No. Once FlutuxBusiness obtains your EIN, it will last the lifetime of your business.

How soon can I use my EIN?

When FlutuxBusiness gets you an EIN, you’ll be able to immediately use it to open a bank account, apply for loans, secure business licenses, and file tax returns by mail.

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