
When You Want More

At FlutuxBusiness Registered Agent LLC, we believe in empowering people to maintain their own businesses. Searching for how to file your LLC’s or corporation’s annual report? Read on. Need state-specific information? Choose your state name from the chart below. Just want your report filed? We’re more than happy to complete and file your company’s annual report on your behalf.

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We’ll worry about filing your annual report so you don’t have to.

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  • Keep State Info Current
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Annual Report Filing Service

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$150 + State Fees

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Annual Report Filing Guide

What is an Annual Report?

Most state-registered businesses—including domestic, foreign and nonprofit LLCs and corporations—are required to file regular reports with the state, commonly called “annual reports.” On these reports, your company confirms or updates the basic business information on file with the state (such as contact information).

As the name suggests, these reports are usually due yearly. However, a few states, like Alaska and New York, require reports every two years—and Pennsylvania only requires reports once a decade. Some states call the reports by different names as well, such as annual renewals, annual registrations, biennial reports, business entity reports and periodic reports.

Note that the annual reports discussed here are the reports filed with the state—not financial or shareholder reports used internally or filed with a national agency like the SEC.

What Information Does an Annual Report Require?

Each state has their own requirements, but some of the most common annual report requirements include the following:

  • Business name
  • Business purpose
  • Principal address
  • Mailing address
  • Registered agent and office
  • Names and addresses of governors (those who run your business, such as directors, officers, managers or members)
  • Stock issued
  • Authorized signature

Generally, the information requested is similar to what you submit when you start an LLC or start a corporation. In a few states (like Arkansas), annual reports are paired together with other filings, like franchise taxes.

How Do I File an Annual Report?

Steps to filing annual reports vary state to state, but generally, you’ll need to determine your due date and submit the form and filing fee.

  • Due date: Some states have a set date for annual report submissions while others base your due date on when you registered your business in that state. You can see a state-by-state list of due dates in the chart at the bottom of this page. To help you remember to file, some states send a postcard or email notification reminder to your registered agent.
  • Filing method: In most states, you can file online (in a few states, like Colorado and Idaho, you’re actually required to file online). Otherwise, you can file with a paper form. The form may be mailed to you, but more commonly, you can download the form from your state’s business website (typically the Secretary of State website).
  • Filing fee: All states (except Idaho) require a filing fee for for-profit LLCs and corporations. Annual report fees in different states can be radically different. For instance, LLCs in Kentucky pay $15 each year while LLCs in Massachusetts pay $500.

Not keen on remembering due dates or filling out paperwork? Let us do it for you. Our annual report service keeps your business in compliance. We’ll file your annual report for just $150 plus state filing fees.

What Happens If I Don’t File?

Failing to file your report can have a wide range of consequences, from losing your good standing to losing your business. In most states, a single missing report initially results in a late fee and a loss of good standing in the state.

A few states are a bit less forgiving. In Minnesota, for instance, if your domestic LLC or corporation doesn’t file the state’s annual renewal by December 31st, it will be dissolved. This means you’ll need to reinstate your corporation or LLC, as well as file your missing renewal.

More commonly, however, states don’t administratively dissolve a business until the annual report remains unfiled for several months or even years—and some will simply let your company accumulate dust (and fees) as an inactive business.

When is My Annual Report Due?

The table below includes the due dates for regular for-profit corporations and LLCs. Have a nonprofit, foreign business or professional corporation? Click the state name in the table for due dates.

By clicking the state name, you can also see filing fees, submission methods and contact information for the state agency.

Annual Report Due Dates

Annual Report Due Dates
AlabamaCorp and S corporation: Mar. 15th. Due 2 1/2 months after tax ending periodNo annual report. File PPT with DOR by April 15th, due 3 1/2 months after tax ending period
AlaskaBiennially. For profit corporation: Jan. 2    Non-Profit: July 2Biennially. For profit LLC: Jan. 2
ArizonaAnnually according to date incorporatedNo Reports
ArkansasMay 1st     Non-profit: August 1May 1st
CaliforniaAnniversary – end of monthBiennial – end of month
ColoradoWithin a 3 month period starting the 1st day of anniversary month,
ending the last day of 3rd month.
Within a 3 month period starting the 1st day of anniversary month,
ending the last day of 3rd month.
ConnecticutAnniversary – end of monthJanuary 1st to March 31st
DelawareDomestic corporation: Mar. 1st
Foreign corporation: June 30th
June 1st
District of ColumbiaBiennial. April 1stBiennial. April 1st
FloridaMay 1stMay 1st
GeorgiaApril 1stApril 1st
GuamBetween July 1st and September 1st.Between July 1st and September 1st.
HawaiiAnniversary-end of quarter filed inAnniversary-end of quarter filed in
IdahoAnniversary-end of monthAnniversary-end of month
IllinoisPrior to the first day of the anniversary monthAnniversary-first day of month
IndianaBiennially. Anniversary-last day of month.
Nonprofits: annually.
Biennially: anniversary-last day of month.
Nonprofits: annually.
IowaBiennially. April 1st on even yearsBiennially. April 1st on odd years
KansasApril 15thApril 15th
KentuckyJune 30thJune 30th
LouisianaAnniversary-exact dayAnniversary-exact day
MaineJune 1stJune 1st
MarylandApril 15thApril 15th
MassachusettsMarch 15thAnniversary-exact date
MichiganMay 15thFeb. 15th
MinnesotaDec. 31stDec. 31st
MississippiApril 15thApril 15th
Missouri3 months after anniversary month endingNo report
MontanaApril 15thApril 15th
NebraskaBiennially. Mar. 1st on even yearsApril 1st on odd years
NevadaAnniversary-end of month
Initial report due within 30 days of filing
Anniversary-end of month
Initial report due within 30 days of filing
New HampshireApril 1stApril 1st
New JerseyLast day of anniversary monthLast day of anniversary month
New MexicoBiennially. Mar. 15th. Initial report due within 30 daysNo report
New YorkBiennially-end of month of filing dateBiennially-end of month of filing date
North CarolinaApril 15th or 15th day of 4th month after tax year endApril 15th
North DakotaDomestic: Aug. 1st. Foreign: May 15thNov. 15th
OhioNo report unless professional corp-bienniallyNo report
OklahomaAnniversary-exact day. Business activity tax return: July 1stAnniversary-exact day. Business activity tax return: July 1st
OregonAnniversary-exact dateAnniversary-exact date
PennsylvaniaEvery 10 yearsEvery 10 years
Puerto RicoApril 15April 15
Rhode IslandMay 1stMay 1st
South CarolinaNo reportNo report
South DakotaAnniversary-end of monthAnniversary-end of month
TennesseeApril 1st or 1st day of 4th month after tax year endApril 1st or 1st day of 4th month after tax year end
TexasMay 15thMay 15th
UtahAnniversary-exact dateAnniversary-exact date
VermontMar. 15thMar. 15th
VirginiaAnniversary-last day of monthAnniversary-last day of month
WashingtonAnniversary-last day of monthAnniversary-last day of month
West VirginiaJuly 1stJuly 1st
WisconsinDomestic: Anniversary-by the last day of the quarter filed in
Foreign: March 31st
Domestic: Anniversary-by the last day of the quarter filed in
Foreign: March 31st
WyomingAnniversary-first day of the monthAnniversary-first day of the month

 Annual Report Filing Service

At FlutuxBusiness, we offer annual report service to help keep your business in compliance. Our service includes:

  • Instant annual compliance service for only $150 (plus state fees).
  • Guaranteed professionally prepared and submitted annual report.
  • Guaranteed not to miss your annual report deadline.
  • No hassles, no worries, no hidden fees, no kidding.
  • And, most importantly…We’re just not annoying™.
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