Should you form an LLC or incorporate your new business? Are LLCs and corporations really that different? They share some similarities, but the differences between LLCs and corporations can have a major effect on your taxes, protections, ownership, management and more. Below, we go over the similarities and differences between LLCs and corporations.
An LLC and a corporation have quite a bit in common, especially in comparison to more informal business types, such as sole proprietorships and general partnerships.
To decide between forming an LLC or incorporating, it’s important to understand the differences between LLCs and corporations.
LLCs have more tax election options than corporations. Corporations are taxed as C-corps by default. However, they can also opt to file paperwork with the IRS to be taxed as an S-corp if they qualify. Single-member LLCs are taxed as sole proprietorships, and multi-member LLCs are taxed as partnerships by default. However, LLCs can choose to be taxed as either a C-corp or an S-corp as well.
Again, LLCs can have any of the tax options above while corporations can only be taxed as C or S-corps. For a quick, easy-to-read summary of the effects of these elections, see our page on How to File LLC Taxes.
LLC owners are called members. Each member owns a percentage of the company, known as “membership interest.” Membership interest is not easily transferable. While the operating agreement or state statutes will outline specific requirements, you’ll typically need the approval of other members before transferring interest—if you can transfer at all.
The owners of a corporation are called shareholders. Shareholders own shares of corporate stock. Stock is easily transferable, which can be more attractive to potential investors.
In a corporation, shareholders elect a board of directors to govern the business. The board elects corporate officers (such as the president, treasurer and secretary) to run the day-to-day business of the corporation and carry out the decisions of the board.
LLC management is much more flexible. In a member-managed LLC, members run the day-to-day operations directly themselves. In a manager-managed LLC, members appoint or hire one or more managers to run the show. In this case, members function more like shareholders, able to vote out managers but not make business decisions.
Charging order protections in many states better protect an LLC from its members and their personal liabilities. In a corporation, if a shareholder is personally sued, creditors in nearly all states can be awarded the shareholder’s ownership interest in the corporation. This means creditors could potentially take control of a corporation if awarded the shares of a majority owner.
However, if an owner of a multi-member LLC is personally sued, creditors are typically limited to a charging order. A charging order is a lien against distributions—in other words, creditors can collect any profits the owner would have received from the business, but creditors don’t get ownership interest or control of the LLC. Note that the strength of protection varies greatly by state—California and Minnesota, for instance offer fewer protections, while Wyoming extends protections to single-member LLCs.
Corporations typically have stricter requirements regarding meetings and recordkeeping. For example, state statutes nearly always require corporations to hold annual meetings and keep formal meeting minutes, which must be kept in a corporate book. While these are good practices for LLCs to keep as well, state statutes don’t typically require LLCs to maintain these corporate formalities.
It’s also important to note there are other, less tangible differences between LLCs and corporations. The “Inc.” or “Corp.” at the end of a business grants a degree of prestige and authority that “LLC” may not. Corporations have also been around much longer, which gives them years of legal precedence—making it easier to anticipate how legal changes and cases will play out in the courtroom.
In the end, which one is better: LLC or corporation? The kind of business entity you choose depends largely on the vision you have for your business. Small businesses that value flexibility often opt for LLCs. Large businesses that need more structure or that are seeking many investors may prefer a corporation. Either way, we can help. At FlutuxBusiness, we form LLCs and corporations, provide registered agent service and much more.