
Hire FlutuxBusiness

Registered agent service. Hire a service or be your own

Business entities like LLCs and corporations are required to appoint a registered agent when they form—and to have a local registered agent in every state where they transact business.

At FlutuxBusiness, our registered agent service also provides much more. Free mail forwarding, expert Corporate Guides® and Privacy by Default®—that’s us doing business the right way.


Registered Agent Solution

Instant Online Service

Sign up & immediately get a secure account where you’ll find:

  • Pre-filled state forms
  • Annual report reminders
  • All your scanned & stored documents
  • Easy access to all our business services

Do Business the Right Way

See why professionals use FlutuxBusiness:

  • Same price every year
  • Same-day local scans
  • Free mail forwarding
  • Privacy by Default®
  • Lifetime support from our Corporate Guides®

Registered Agent Service

$200 Total



Rated 4.7 / 5 stars by 607 clients on Google

When forming a business entity such as an LLC or corporation, it is mandatory to appoint a registered agent. Additionally, a local registered agent must be in place in every state where the business conducts its transactions. This requirement for a registered agent or registered agent service stems from the principle of due process. According to due process, proper notification must be given to all parties involved before a lawsuit or any other legal action can proceed in the courts. The primary function of a registered agent is to make sure your business is properly notified in the event it is involved in a lawsuit.  

What Is Mail Forwarding?

A registered agent is a person or company designated to receive service of process and official mail on behalf of your business. Registered agents are also known as statutory agentsresident agents, and agents for service of process.

Each state requires registered business entities (such as an LLC, a corporation, or a nonprofit) to appoint a registered agent on their formation documents. These formation documents (often called “articles of organization” or “articles of incorporation”) are filed with the state. The information listed in the formation documents becomes public record.

Top 9 Reasons People Use Our Registered Agent Services

We’re the only national registered agent service that locally scans every document you receive.

When we receive a document at our local registered agent service office, that’s where we scan it to your account.

Locally scanning every document enhances both quality control and customer satisfaction.

FlutuxBusiness’s Corporate Guides® will help you navigate the odd world of state bureaucracy.

Call and talk to someone who knows what they’re talking about.

No automated operators. No reading from a script. Just answers.

We never sell your data. Ever.

We list OUR business address on your public filings instead of yours—so you can better keep your personal info private.

You don’t have to opt in or out to keep your data private. We practice Privacy by Default® with every service and every client, automatically.

As your registered agent, we accept state and legal mail. But we’ll also scan normal business mail—up to 5 docs per year—FREE.

Clients and investors sometimes try to contact a company via its registered agent. We won’t let these messages fall through the cracks.

Avoid “per document” fees for state mail, legal mail and limited business mail.

We’re not so big that clients are just a number.

We’re not so small that we have to hire other registered agents to do our job.

We’re the perfect size to offer both personalized and reliable service.

Orders receive instant access to your account with all forms you’ll need to file with the state.

All forms are pre-populated with our information for easy filing.

Your account is filled with filing tips, annual report help, and business maintenance help.

Enter your corporate data once, and the same data will populate every form you need to file.

Receive annual report compliance instructions and reminders.

Access online copies of all scanned items we’ve received on your behalf.

Flat rates.

No sudden price increases.

Registered agent service rates:
1 to 4 states = $200/year
5 or more states = $170/year

There are lots of companies providing registered agent service. None like us. We have no phone extensions, hidden fees, no gimmicks, and no sales staff using teleprompters to answer the phone. We give you free mail forwarding, protect your privacy, and offer unparalleled support—all without being annoying.

How Our Service Works

There are do-it-yourselfers, and there are people who need (or just want) a helping hand. We have helpful options for starting your LLC no matter who you are:

Hiring us to form your LLC is fast and easy. Here’s how it works:

Sign Up

Choose Hire Us below, answer a few basic questions about your business, and submit your payment.

Get Approved

We’ll prepare your Articles of Organization and send them to the appropriate state agency for approval. In the meantime, you’ll have immediate access to your online account, where you can find useful state forms, pre-populated with your business information.

It’s Official

Once the state approves your filing, we notify you that your LLC has been legally formed. You can now take any necessary next steps, like getting an EIN and opening a bank account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all states allow for you to be your own company’s registered agent. In fact, any individual or business that meets a state’s registered agent requirements can be a registered agent. Some states even allow a corporation or LLC to be its own registered agent.

The real question is, should you be your own registered agent?

Registered agents are charged with important responsibilities that can greatly impact your business. If you’re not regularly available to accept legal notices in person at the location listed on your public documents, you should not be your own registered agent. Listing your own name and home address can mean giving up a chunk of your personal privacy—registered agent information becomes part of the public record.

State statutes generally require that registered agents meet the following requirements:

  • Office: Registered agents must have a physical address in the state where they can receive and accept service of process. This is often referred to as their “registered office.”
  • Residency: Typically, registered agents must either reside in the state where they serve as a registered agent, or they must be a business approved to provide registered agent service in the state. Businesses providing registered agent service must maintain a physical address in the state.
  • Availability: Registered agents must be available to accept legal documents and official mail during normal business hours.
  • Consent: Agents must consent to being designated a registered agent. In many states, registered agents need to provide a signature proving they have accepted the responsibility. For example, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Washington and Wyoming all require registered agent signatures on your formation documents.

Yes. Not only are registered agents nearly always required by state statutes, but they provide a systematic way to ensure a business can reliably receive official and legal notices (including service of process.)

Service of process is the delivery of a legal notice (such as a summons or subpoena) to an individual or a business. These legal notices require a timely response and specific action from the recipient—such as producing documents, ceasing an activity, or appearing in court.

When the recipient is a business entity, service of process goes to the company’s designated registered agent. For example, when a business is on the receiving end of a lawsuit, a process server will deliver a summons to the company’s registered agent.

A USA registered agent is a professional registered agent service that has registered offices (and can file documents on your company’s behalf) in every state in the US. That means if you live in a different country but would like to start a company in the United States, a USA Registered Agent provider can help you by forming your business in whichever US state(s) your foreign business would like to expand to.

Yes! Registered agent services provide their address on your public documents, helping keep yours private.


A professional registered agent service centers its business around being available to accept your documents, freeing you up to focus on more important things. They have other benefits as well. Registered agent services provide their address on your public documents, helping keep yours private. A good service should also scan and send you your documents the same day, provide you with reminders for state compliance reports, and provide you with easy access to forms and services to help you maintain your business.

Below are common situations in which it would be beneficial to hire a registered agent service:

  • You have locations in multiple states.
  • You don’t have a physical address.
  • You plan to change your address as you grow.
  • You don’t want the world to know your home address.
  • You don’t plan to be in the office Monday-Friday, 9-5.
  • You want instant access to documents from wherever you are.
  • You want electronic scans of your documents for safekeeping or backup.
  • You want reminders for state compliance requirements.
  • You want a little more peace of mind.
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